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Traffic Procedures

Parking Lot Procedures


DROP OFF STUDENTS: 8:10 am – 8:30 am


  • Parents are required to do a health check of their children prior to coming to school.​​


  • Entering from 202nd street, parents can park and walk students to classroom outside doors or drop off students in our quick drop/pick up zone in front of gymnasium.  Students must exit vehicles in the quick drop/pick up zone from the passenger sides. The driver MAY NOT exit their vehicle. If your child requires assistance or he/she cannot exit on the passenger side, then please park in the designated parking stalls so that you can assist him/her.


  • Students must go directly to their classroom outside door or the intermediate field.  Students may not play on the primary playground prior to school beginning.



PICK UP STUDENTS: 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm


  • Parents can park in the following areas:

  1. Outside K area

  2. West of gym but you must park by backing in before students are released

  3. Around the pre-school

  4. Behind the bus on the entrance driveway but you must meet and accompany your child to your vehicle

  5. Angled on 202nd street

  • Parents may collect students outside classrooms (recommended for younger students).

  • Kindergarten parents must park and collect children from the classroom.

  • Parents who are parking and not collecting from outside the classroom: meet your child at the West side of either cross walk. From there, you can safely accompany your child back to your vehicle using the sidewalks.

  • If parents are allowing students to play on the primary playground after school, you must be supervising from the playground, not your vehicle.

  • If parents are supervising and allowing students to play on the intermediate playground, please be advised this structure is built for older students and not recommended for primary students.

  • Drivers can also use our quick drop/pick up zone just outside the gymnasium (similar to morning). Students may only access vehicles from passenger sides. The driver MAY NOT exit their vehicle. If your child requires assistance or he/she cannot exit on the passenger side, then please park in the designated parking stalls so that you can assist him/her.

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Further Safety Information:


  • All traffic moves in one direction.  Enter from 202st and exit onto 32nd Ave.

  • Please use sidewalks and designated crosswalks.  Never teach your child to walk across the parking lots.

  • There should Never be a rush in our parking lot.

  • Always use extreme caution during pick up and drop off.

  • Do not drop off or pick up on 32nd Ave.

  • Please respect the parent/teacher crossing guards.  They are there to keep our students and their families safe.  If they make a request of you, please adhere to their guidance. Thank you!

  • Please ensure that you are familiar with our Schools Policy on our parking lot procedures.

© 2022 by St. Catherine's School

Contact Us


Phone: 604-534-6564

Fax: 604-534-4871


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20244 32 Ave

Langley BC  V2Z 2E1

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